With nearly 16 million temporary and contract employees hired in America over the course of a year, and with more than 1 in 3 US workers employed as freelancers (that’s 53 million Americans), the staffing and recruiting industry plays a vital role in today’s economy. With such a high potential for success in this industry, the key to outperforming your competition is a combination of building strong relationships and embracing the right technology.
Would you like your staffing and recruiting agency to improve efficiency in one or more of these areas?
- Communicate more effectively across multiple business groups
- Streamline workflow by eliminating the need for manual data entry
- Minimize menial and time consuming tasks by automating them
- Find more time to focus on building and nurturing relationships
- Close more sales at higher margins
- Make placements faster
If yes, don’t settle for the status quo any longer. Download our free eBook: Make More Placements with the Right Staffing and Recruiting Solution, and explore a detailed overview of what to consider and evaluate when selecting the business operating system that you will rely on to grow your business.
It’s no secret that finding quality employees continues to be a top challenge today, but running your business on a dated software solution with limited functionality is one common challenge that can be immediately evaluated and overcome. Ensuring that you have the appropriate tools to set yourself up for success and to prepare your business for the expected 40% increase in freelancers by 2020, should not be overlooked.
Use the advice in this ebook to select the best software for your needs, ensuring your firm can continue its success and position itself for growth in the years to come.