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Customer Self-Service Portal

AkkenCloud’s Customer Self-Service portal (CSS) offers your clients the ability to add job orders, view assignments, manage their billing and invoices, review and approve employee timesheets, and set filters to run custom reports.

Within the CSS portal, a client can do the following:

Add new job orders

Directly add new job orders in the CSS according to the level of access you decide to set up.

Manage billing and invoices

Manage billing and invoices with the option to see all the invoices created, including related fields such as invoice numbers, dates paid, balances due, and days overdue, etc.

View assignments

View or export assignments as needed without granting client’s access to close assignments.

Manage expenses

Review and approve expenses, update current expenses, or print all expenses.

Review and approve employee timesheets

View, approve, reject, update and re-submit, or print employee’s timesheets.

Set filters to run custom reports

Select desired filters, and run reports on the spot.

Request a demo to learn more and see how you can make more placements, faster than before!