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Consolidate Staffing and Recruiting Software to Increase Revenue and Boost Efficiency

In the ever-changing world of Information Technology and business consulting, people like to throw words around like “silos” and “turn-key solutions” and “holistic approaches.”

All of these terms get to the same basic idea that is critical, to achieve major increases in revenue and profitability: getting employees to use the same set of processes. If it sounds easy, don’t feel fooled. It’s not. In fact, it’s one of the most complex problems in business management.

Those companies who succeed, however, in optimizing these business processes, realized powerful and tangible benefits. It’s no different for staffing and recruiting firms, they are losing faster fill-to-bill and losing billable revenue.

The cost savings are very critical especially during this economic downturn. Over the course of many years, a single department may use multiple recruiting and staffing software platforms simultaneously. This is particularly common in large, more geographically-dispersed organizations, and increasing even in small and medium sized staffing and recruting firms. They likely use separate applicant tracking, accounting, and most likely no CRM for their sales and marketing efforts.

You can see where this is going: widespread confusion, errors, and inefficiency. Transitioning to an all-in-one solution for a respective business function isn’t new, of course. Financial giants, Information Technology behemoths, and large sales and marketing departments have been consolidating their systems to a single platform for the last 20 years. Now it’s time for staffing and recruiting organizations to join the club.

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