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Customized Software vs Configured Software: Does the Distinction Matter?

Customized Software vs Configured SoftwareIn a recent Staffing Talk article titled “A False Dichotomy: Customizable vs Configurable Software,” author Gregg Dourgarian argues that software providers and marketers often use the terms “customization” and “configuration” interchangeably. Regardless of the reasons, Dourgarian makes a relevant point: we all do it. Certainly, customers looking for software solutions want assurance that the particular solution is flexible enough to bend to their industry-specific and company-specific needs. Of course, most solutions are either customizable or configurable, but the obscure way in which vendors casually exchange one term for another can be incredibly misleading.

Though it is true that the distinction between customization and configurability has been blurred over time, the dichotomy is not a false one. On the contrary, it’s quite meaningful. To a certain point, the best recruitment software requires both configuration and customization; it’s the extent to which the software is one or the other that makes the crucial difference.

Recent times have seen a trend where software providers have begun to steer clear of customization, and the explanation is clear. Configuration is the method that true SaaS providers embrace because configurations are made to the entire software, thus making software upgrades simple and painless for clients. Configurability is an asset when it comes to providing solutions for particular industries because it’s likely that one client will benefit from an update in the software as much as the next, and these changes need only be applied once through a multi-tenant platform. Customers still have a say in the capability and functionality of the solution without having to meddle inside the software.

Customized software, on the other hand, can put businesses in a place where software updates are difficult or even impossible. Basically, every customization is a step away from the standard software, and moreover, it’s more costly and laborious for your business. Eventually, clients who choose customization over configuration fall behind the rest, and for staffers and recruiters (perhaps more than anyone else), this simply isn’t an option.

Taking all of this into consideration, it’s hard to prove that the dichotomy between configurability and customization is false. If control over business is the sought-after goal, then the solutions aren’t equal or interchangeable at all.


This article clears up any mystery between customization & configuration. I appreciated the fact that you were able to clearly define the 2 and explain where Mr. Dourgarian’s article was correct in its content, but there is a blurred line between them both. It is very important to understand the value of each term and making the right decision for your company. The overhead of going with a configurable, multi-tenant solution is much lower than having to customize one for your business. Although there is value to both. The configurable solution can save a lot of money, because it costs the provider less to update it for their clients when they only have to make one update that improves it across the board. Therefore they can charge a little less and focus their resources in constantly improving instead of delivering multiple customized solutions so a variety of clients. The true meaning of “Work smarter, not harder.”

Great Article,it helpful for remove misunderstanding between different type of software.

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