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An AkkenCloud Series: The True SaaS Advantage

iStock_000018580435XSmallIn our previous blog posts, we touched on some of the elements of Cloud computing, SaaS and True SaaS. The goal of this AkkenCloud Series was to help you to understand a little more about how hosted solutions can help your staffing and recruiting business work more efficiently and without the worries associated with managing IT infrastructure and software upgrades.

We also wanted to introduce True SaaS to give you a better sense of what differentiates it from simple SaaS solutions so that you could be more educated in your purchasing decisions.

The main advantage, we believe, is the ability for all your users to be running off the same code base without worries about upgrades – you maintain the latest version of the software without missing new features and functionality. Even if you opt to customize parts of your solution, all users remain on the most recent version of the software, at all times. It’s that multi-tenancy that is a real indicator of a True SaaS solution.

With other SaaS solutions, you lose the ability to stay updated – this is known as a single tenant approach – and in fact is simply providing a hosted software solution that limits flexibility and customization.

At AkkenCloud, we’ve built our entire business on a True SaaS software solution – we understand your desire to meet your business needs, without losing out on the advantages of updates and releases – because you want the true conveniences of cloud computing so you and your employees can do business ANYWHERE, ANYTIME!

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