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An AkkenCloud Series: Truth or Dare? SaaS or True SaaS?

trueIn our first post in the AkkenCloud Series about the Cloud and SaaS, we explored the definition of SaaS with help from John Zappe at We looked at the basic components that help us identify and understand the advantage software-as-a-service has over locally-installed software. However, the discussion lately has shifted from simply defining SaaS solutions to identifying True SaaS. But what is True SaaS, you may ask?

Naomi Bloom of In Full Bloom tackles this head on with in her blog post What’s True SaaS And Why The Hell Should Customers Care? Naomi states,

“In my view, true SaaS must include all of these:

1. Software is subscribed to customers by the vendor;

2. Software and data are hosted/operated/managed by the vendor; and — this is critical –

3. Software architecture is multi-tenant with a single code base and data structures, including metadata structures, shared by all customers — a requirement of true SaaS; and

4. The vendor pushes out multiple, functionally rich, new releases per year on a mostly opt-in basis.”

We agree with Naomi’s assessment that the key to True SaaS lies in the architecture – the multi-tenancy architecture with a single code base and data structures…shared by all customers. Essentially, the phrase “multi-tenancy” used to describe multiple customers using the same version, changes the game for SaaS vendors.

We all understand that sharing time sensitive information across multiple users is core to the staffing industry as positions, candidates and client information is changing hourly (if not more). With a SaaS solution that is simply accessible in the cloud, but not necessarily updated or configured in the cloud, you’re simply stuck with desktop software hosted outside your office. True SaaS allows for everyone to be working on the latest version, completely managed by the vendor and supported well beyond logging into the software.

True SaaS also includes the element of mobility. With device or platform independence, your True SaaS staffing solution allows you to quickly and efficiently respond to inquiries or billings. No need to wait to get back to your desk to make your next move.

At AkkenCloud, we’re proud to be implementing True SaaS solutions and welcome the opportunity to discuss these advantages further with you. Our next post will explore how you get your organization on board with a True SaaS solution and overcoming some of the perceived obstacles with SaaS.

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