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Things To Consider When Selecting an Invoicing Platform

Considerations When Selecting an Invoicing SoftwareThere are many factors to consider when comparing invoice applications, and those factors will vary depending on your company. Price and ease of use are probably two of the most important, but if you’re a staffing company, there’s a lot more to think about: not only do you need to send out invoices to different clients with different billing needs, you also need to collect timesheets and expenses from various sources and process payroll in a timely manner. So what should you look for in a software?

User-Friendliness. You want an application that’s simple to set up and use, requiring minimal training for your staff. This software is supposed to make your work easier, after all, so why would you want one that’s so complicated it requires a huge time investment just to start using it? This is especially relevant if you have a larger staff using the application – it should be as intuitive as possible so that confusion and IT headaches can be kept to a minimum.

Efficiency. You’re servicing multiple organizations that all have different billing needs and timesheet systems, so tracking down all that information and creating customized invoices can take hours each week. The software you choose should streamline that process. It should be able to read and process timesheets from any source, as well as track and pull billing information so that you can create and send multiple invoices at a time.

Automation and Accuracy. Whatever actions you can automate will free up time to address other important duties, as long as that automation doesn’t result in oversights or errors. You want software that will automatically number invoices, add important information to them, and produce recurring statements, but will also allow your customers to access their invoices and other information all in one place for transparency and efficiency. The less time you have to spend manually chasing down timesheets and billing information, the better.

How about a platform that is 100% Cloud-based that you can access from anywhere on any device, is multi-tenant so you don’t have to worry about upgrades and downtimes, and can streamline and integrate your invoicing, billing, and payroll process? That sounds pretty ideal to us.

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