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How to Protect Your Offer of Employment

You’ve found the perfect candidate for a job role and made them an offer, that’s great, but it’s not the end of the story. Chances are a counteroffer will be made by their current employer to entice them to stay. Luckily, there are plenty of ways that you can protect your offer and win the head-to-head with your competition for that top candidate. 

Protect Your Offer of Employment

Be Upfront About Counteroffers 

Counteroffers happen; they are a natural part of the recruitment process, but how you handle conversations with onboarding employees can be a deciding factor in whether the counteroffer is accepted or not. In general, the best practice is to be upfront with candidates about offers. 

During the interview, you can ask the candidate if they would be willing to accept a counteroffer from their current employee. If they say “no,” chances are your offer of employment is safe because it’s unlikely they will go back on their word for integrity and to impress new employers. 

Match the Counteroffer 

If your candidate is considering the counteroffer, there is something on the table that you are not providing. Either that or your candidate prefers the alternative job for some other reason, such as location or commuting times. However, there is always the option of matching the other offer. 

Everything is a negotiation, so stay flexible and sweeten the deal for the candidate; you don’t even have to increase the base pay rate; all you have to do is offer perks such as extra vacation days, work-from-home options, and flexible working hours. Whatever it takes to land your staff.    

Create a Timeframe 

When you think of timeframes for onboarding employees, most recruiters think about creating an ultimatum of sorts, they will ask the candidate to accept the offer in three days, or it will be retracted. However, this strategy often backfires because people don’t appreciate the pressure. 

That said, timeframes are useful for employers and for employees; it’s a good idea to place a time limit on accepting the offer just to make sure the candidate doesn’t feel as if they are under any pressure to accept or reject it. Generous time frames lead to better results overall.   

Offer Excellent Onboarding 

After a candidate accepts an offer, the work is only just beginning. If the onboarding experience if stressful or unfriendly, there is still a chance that your new employee will ditch the company in favor of a counteroffer. That’s why it’s recommended that you improve your onboarding process. 

All of these suggestions will help you protect your offer to ensure that your company lands the candidates that will have the biggest impact on your organization.

About AkkenCloud

AkkenCloud offers the most comprehensive front-officemiddle-office, and back-office staffing software with AkkuPay payroll for staffing agencies and recruiting agencies looking to increase efficiency, streamline operations, and grow revenue. Click HERE to schedule a Live Demo.

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